Must Read! Abubakar Shekau: Nine Lives Or Nine Liars
Article below written by Dr. Peregrino Brimah of Read below...
So long as the Francophone media is bent on dragging Nigeria to
its begging knees, Shekau will never die. The controversy on the
death of Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau is one that is
entirely manufactured by Globalist media. It is nothing less than
media terrorism by the desperate colonialists. But these globalist
media cannot be solely blamed.
It is us who have Boko Haram sponsors in the Presidency and as our
army Chiefs after all. Protected, supported and paid with billions by our
President. We have no credibility and as long as this nation keeps such
clueless and adamantly wicked men at its helm, the globalist media will
continue to disgrace and terrorize us and will keep Shekau immortal.
The globalist media has stubbornly insisted on denying the fact that we
have killed two of the very Shekaus they have themselves shown in
videos as the actual person. They pretend not to notice the very
different people who all impersonate Shekau in the many videos they
release as a singular person, but when we kill these very people they
just publicized then they say it wasn’t him and push out the next
available video of another of his impersonators, gleefully, as soon as
Boko Haram sells it to them.
The latest bump-head Shekau we killed has been promoted by them on
many occasions as the one and only Shekau. Now they are releasing
video of droopy left lip, almond eye Shekau. The minute we kill this one
again, they will bring out the next and the next, in frank terrorism and
with an ultimate plan to frustrate Nigeria into submission for foreign
complete invasion and destruction as was done to Libya; thanks to our
participant, wealth blinded, terrible leadership.
It is ironic that in 2011 when America “killed” Osama who we all know
was already dead since 2001, and never showed us even a single
picture of his dead body, none of these very media questioned the
blatant lies. But now they invest heavily in giving our Shekau nine lives.
It’s not their fault; it is our fault for electing leaders with no shoes
because we were colonially battered into a dumb foreign tribalist
culture. With our President who scores world worsts every time,
recently of note, doing abominable things like using the
#BringBackGoodluck” slogan, how will they ever fear and respect us?
After all, when late President Umaru Yar’Adua killed Mohammed Yusuf,
the actual Boko Haram leader believed and touted to be immortal, dem
no born any globalist media well (translated: No media had the guts) to
broadcast video’s of his aspiring impersonators.
A little time, 2015 or 2019, this will all be over. #VictoryForNigeria. We
stand by our Civilian-JTF and active soldiers, those engaged in the
battle front, not the morbidly obese, cash bloated, Abuja barrack land
usurping Boko Haram sponsor Army ogas at the top.
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