10 December 2015

Omg! This “Man’s Pants” Fell Down While Receiving Peace Award From His Country’s President (Photos)

Pants down
A man got the embarrassment of his life when his trousers fell down while he was receiving a peace prize right there on stage.
Ivan Zvonimir Cicak’s pants fell down right there on stage
A human rights activist, Ivan Zvonimir Cicak,  was left red faced after his trousers fell down just as he was receiving an important award from the country’s president
Cicak reached out to receive the certificate from Croatian president, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic when he lost control of his lower garments.
The head of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights was photographed looking shamefaced as his slacks slumped around his ankles, before defiantly picking them up again and carrying on.
Luckily, Cicak’s dignity was saved by the fact Grabar-Kitarovic was holding the largee award in her hands, preventing anyone getting a glimpse of his underwear.
She did not appear to react and remained calm despite a brief glance downwards and a smile as he stooped to pull them back up.
The award was presented to Cicak and the committee in Zagreb for their work ahead of international Human Rights Day which is marked on December 10.
– Via Mirror Online