4 February 2016

GRAPHIC-Unseen footage of a bloodied & beaten Gaddafi during his capture

A graphic video shows unseen footage of the moments just after the capture of Libya's Col Gaddafi on 20 October 2011.
It was shot in October 2011 by rebel fighter Ayman Almani on his mobile phone as the crowds gathered and cheered their success.The bloody and shaken dictator is being paraded on the bonnet of a truck as a man stands above him holding a gun to his head.

It shows the dictator's final moments as he can be seen bleeding and pleading for his life.
BBC reporter Gabriel Gatehouse tracked down Mr Almani who showed him this never seen before footage
 He deserved it," says Mr Almani as he watched the clip.Islam teaches us not to mistreat a prisoner, not to bear a grudge.But the people got carried away in the stampede and no-one could stop them.
The video is graphic and may be upsetting to many..

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