Having been through her
fair share of life's challenges, from the days of little beginning to
her grasp with fame, she pens down this song of encouragement to as many
embattled people out there hoping they can find expression and solace
in the words of her song.
"Very few people know where I am coming from and it makes
perfect sense that a lot of people who never got to see my pain but see
all of my Glory have the impression that I always had a silver spoon. My
life is one word is a TESTIMONY" - Mercy Chinwo
Here is the direct download link
Twitter_: @Mmercychinwo
Instagram _: MercyChinwo
Facebook_: Mercy Chinwo
OLUMATI, ISAIAH .CInstagram _: MercyChinwo
Facebook_: Mercy Chinwo
Principal; Mirus Empire
Twitter/Instagram; @mrolumatii